My official social media links all appear in the footer, the ones all related to design and UX topics. However, you can also follow my personal Twitter account (@lelolai) where I wax rhapsodic about my latest movie, TV show, or podcast obsessio…

My official social media links all appear in the footer, the ones all related to design and UX topics. However, you can also follow my personal Twitter account (@lelolai) where I wax rhapsodic about my latest movie, TV show, or podcast obsession.


I like to learn about many different things. Yes, I realize that sounds a bit vague, but hang in there there’s a point to the story. A while back I attended a liberal arts college and I took full advantage of it. I took wide variety of courses and later chose to major in Art History (which is a study that encompasses many other subjects including history, iconography, religion, anthropology, architecture, etc).

Later on I started working as a graphic designer and loved it (I still do). Graphic design is yet another field that is broad and you can learn about so many different topics as you do research for your next project. It’s never been solely about aesthetics for me (although I do love colors, patterns, typography, layout and how you can convey tone & meaning with them). I've always focussed on trying to come up with the best solution for the problem we are trying to solve within a specific project.

So it should come as no surprise to me or anyone who knows me that I find the field of User Experience Design (UX) so fascinating. UX design is also very broad and is comprised of many different types of specialties (notice the pattern here?). First and foremost, it’s all about learning. You research, come up with a plan/idea, sketch out a quick prototype, test it, make changes based on your user findings, rinse and repeat as many times as your project schedule and budget will allow. My favorite parts of the process are working on the wire frames, and making clickable prototypes to test out.  And your end goal is to create a product or service that people find easy to use, solves a problem they have, and delights them so much that they want to tell others about it.